How to farm more $ZAWA consistently? A practical mini-guide


6 min readApr 13, 2024

Three different ways to farm $ZAWA, infinite multipliers and diverse interactions. Are you a little lost on what is the best strategy to farm tokens and make the most of the airdrop? So come with us in this guide and we will help you with the best strategies, whether you are farming on Twitter (Social Pool), Holding (Holder Pool) or Trading (Trader Pool)

If you still don’t know how each pool works, please check this article.

Hold Multiple Eryndor NFTs

The first tip seems a little obvious. But since the $ZAWA token is tied to Eryndor’s NFT collection, holding more NFTs provides you with numerous benefits as:

- Holder Pool will give you more points, you earn holder points daily and each week you earn multipliers: week 1 (100 points), week 2 (110 points), week 3 (120 points), week 4 (150 points) and finally from the fifth week onwards (200 points).
- Holding Eryndor also gives you access to benefits such as Co-Op mode where you can earn multipliers per connected farm and every time a connected co-op earns points, you get 1% of their points as a bonus!
- Participate in the Trader pool by earning bonuses;
- Multipliers (10x per NFT) to farm on Twitter;
- In addition to several benefits such as giveaways on our Discord.

You can buy Eryndor NFT in our partners Marketplace to increase your allocation in all pools (Mintify)

Social Farm

Tweet, tweet and tweet!

Are you focused on SocialFi? The most important thing is to understand how our bonus system works: every minute 100 tweets are drawn to receive points. In other words, because it is a lottery, in some busy moments it may happen that your entry is not drawn! What to do in these cases? Simple: increase your inputs. To do this, go to replies in other accounts and send multiple messages to increase your entries in the system (replies to yourself will be eliminated and dont grant points)! The more you tweet, the more entries you will have and the easier it will be for your tweet to be drawn and receive bonuses.

This is why it is very important that you hold as many NFTs as possible, since each time your tweet is drawn you will earn more point multipliers.

Social Farm — Co-op is the answer!

“Co-Op Mode” is the mode we’re most proud of having built. It’s a farm mode exclusive to ZAWA where farmers can connect with each other to earn multipliers and every time connected farms earn points, all other connected farms will earn 1% of their points!

To find who to co-op with you can search for accounts that are looking for co-op on Twitter, to facilitate access you can also join our Discord and ask in the chat if any holder would like to co-op with you!

Remembering that co-op is exclusive to Eryndor Holders. If a farm stops holding its NFTs, the farm will be automatically deactivated and will no longer receive passive points (as well as losing all multipliers).

Traders Game — The most competitive pool

Trader pool is our most competitive points pool because it has several “market strategies” behind it. The most important one is:

“You Lose, I win” strategy

Trader Pool has implemented a strategy to discourage users from selling their NFTs at prices lower than expected. This strategy involves deducting points from the seller and awarding them to the buyer. For example, if the sale takes place with a very low win (between 0% and 10%), the seller will lose 13,500 points while the buyer will gain 15,000 points. This means that the seller’s original earnings of 15,000 points will reduce to 1,500 points due to the low quality of the trade. As a result, the token distribution will be smaller, and the buyer will be able to withdraw 13,500 points from the seller, freeing up more space in the pool. This way, the buyer not only gains 15,000 points but also increases their token allocation and that of everyone in the trader pool.

This trading game gains greater proportions in negative sales (that is, where the seller sold the NFT below the price they purchased it). A negative trade generates a loss between -15000 and -25000 for the seller. In other words: a negative trade causes the seller to lose all their points or even become negative.

This dynamic helps the pool of traders to remain active and dynamic, avoiding an infinite growth of points and generating a financial game between those involved where those who benefit are those who manage to make profits. Additionally, it prevents the phenomenon of “jetters” by penalizing their actions and preventing them from having a high allocation in the trader pool.

If you don’t yet know the trading system, we have a separate article for that.

“Bid vs Buy”

It is crucial to consider the two types of purchases, normal buy and bids, when analyzing trader points. Normal buy ensures that you receive 15,000 $ZAWA per NFT bought on Partner Marketplaces (Mintify). On the other hand, bids on partner marketplaces reward you with points per minute, but they do not award you points when a bid is executed. It is important to note that bids are rewarded as follows:

- Bids between 0% and 5% of the floor price = 250 trader points every minute
- Bids between 5% and 10% of the floor price = 85 trader points every minute
- Bids between 10% and 15% of the floor price = 10 trader points every minute
- Bids lower than 15% will not earn any points
- Max Points per minute: 10,000

To get the most out of your purchases, it’s best to strike a balance between guaranteed points by making a “normal buy,” and earning points per minute through bids. However, it’s important to note when a bid becomes more profitable than a regular purchase in terms of points earned. To determine this, you can compare the estimated time it takes for each purchase option to reach 15,000 points.

- 0%-5% of the fp = 250 trader points every minute ← 60 minutes
- 5%-10% of the fp = 85 trader points every minute ← 177 minutes
- 10%-15% of the fp = 10 trader points every minute ← 1,500 minutes

It’s important to keep in mind that some traders might cancel your bids in order to disrupt your points gains. This is actually a strategy that is often used in the trader pool system. As a trader, it’s up to you to carefully analyze and balance your capital in relation to the number of points you want to receive. However, we always recommend a combination of bids and buys in order to guarantee points, as well as points per minute.


Whether you’re dabbling in social media, investing in NFTs, or diving into trading, there are great ways to boost your $ZAWA token earnings. Keeping a stash of Eryndor NFTs is a smart move — it taps into multipliers and co-op bonuses that can really ramp up your rewards. For those of you focusing on SocialFi, ramping up your tweeting and joining strategic partnerships are key for making a splash in the Social Pool. On the trading side, a good grasp of market trends and a smart mix of direct purchases and timely bids can maximize your returns in the Trader Pool. Remember, success here depends on staying active and adjusting to new changes in the token world. By tailoring these strategies to fit your goals, you can really improve your game and boost your profits in the $ZAWA farming scene.

Official Links

Eryndor Website
Check Your $ZAWA Points
Marketplace (Mintify)
District One



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